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Night Guards in Tempe, AZ

Extremely impressed. I chose this dentist practice solely because it was close to my new home and they had great reviews but I ended up really impressed by everyone on their staff. Within a weeks time, I had an initial exam, cavity and crown done. Very happy with their quality of work and their impressive equipment.

- Joel Hester
Night-Guards in tempe dentist

Tooth grinding can trigger jaw pain and restless slumber. A night guard can help if you struggle to stop grinding or clenching your teeth. Customized night guards adapt to your dental needs and mouth shape. Night guards gently cushion your jaws during sleep and prevent dental damage.

Dental night guards are available at Okun Dentistry in Tempe, AZ. Each custom-fitted mouth protector is designed to ease bruxism symptoms, a condition that results from tooth grinding. Over time, bruxism can lead to chipped teeth and jaw misalignment. Night guards help prevent these troublesome dental problems. Call us at (480) 967-8763 to schedule an appointment.

Benefits of a Night Guard

Clenching and grinding can destroy the tooth enamel. Patients may be at a higher risk for cavities, tooth sensitivity, or gum erosion during their lifetime. People with bruxism can also develop unsightly chipped teeth or muscle tension.

These symptoms can lead to cosmetic dental issues and have a significant impact on the quality of life. Many people who grind their teeth report headaches, neck pain, and restless sleep. Night guards may allow affected individuals to sleep more soundly.


Choosing a Night Guard

Night guards are available over-the-counter. While these options can be cost-effective, they may not deliver results. Premade night guards don’t always fit properly, and they can be uncomfortable. Over-the-counter night guards are also less durable.

Custom-fitted night guards are built to last, and they adapt to the patient’s unique needs. Custom night guards can even adapt to braces or other dental appliances. These devices work alongside existing dental or orthodontic treatments.

Modern night guards are made from translucent acrylic, and they are designed to be discreet. There is no need to be self-conscious about a clunky or unattractive appliance. Patients can choose the material for their devices. Our team creates each custom night guard to each patient’s specifications.

Caring for Your Night Guard

Taking care of one’s teeth allows the night guard to provide optimal protection. Patients should make sure to brush and floss before inserting the device. They should also take care to clean it before and after each use.

Begin by rinsing the night guard with clean water. Then brush the device using your toothbrush and toothpaste. Once the night guard is in place, patients should not consume anything except plain water. They should also try not to expose the night guard to heat, either. Hot water or direct sunlight can warp the material.

Contact our team if the device gets lost or becomes damaged. Using a damaged or poorly fitted device can risk your oral health. We can arrange for a replacement night guard.
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