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Dentist - Tempe, AZ

Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants in Tempe, AZ

Very modern and clean facility with an extremely nice staff. Ashton, the dental assistant (?) was extremely gentle and courteous throughout the entire process. A+
- Corey Choi

Our trusted Tempe dentists are your trusted partner for transforming smiles with dental implants in Tempe. Our dedicated team of proficient dental professionals, led by Dr. Amy Okun, provides state-of-the-art implant dentistry services that bring back the natural beauty of your smile and empower you with the confidence to enjoy life to the fullest. Before the development of dental implants, dentures were the only alternative to replacing a missing tooth or teeth.

Implants are synthetic structures that are placed in the area of the tooth normally occupied by the root. Implants are anchored to the jawbone or metal framework on the bone and act as a foundation for an artificial tooth or permanent bridge. In some cases, implants can be used to attach dentures.

Are You A Candidate For Dental Implants in Tempe, AZ?

Dental implants are a cutting-edge solution for individuals who have lost one or more teeth due to injury, decay, or other dental issues. Not everyone is a candidate for a dental implant, however. For a successful implant to take hold, a candidate must have proper bone density and a strong immune system. In all cases, dental implants require strict oral hygiene.

Implants are so well designed that they mimic the look and feel of natural teeth. Implants are usually made of a synthetic yet biocompatible material, like metal or ceramic. An ideal candidate for dental implants is typically:

  • Has Good Oral Health: Candidates should have healthy gums and enough jawbone density to support the implant. If you have issues like gum disease or bone loss, these may need to be addressed before implant surgery.
  •  Missing Teeth: Individuals with missing teeth or those facing imminent tooth extraction are prime candidates. Dental implants in Tempe can replace single or multiple missing teeth, offering a stable and functional solution.
  • Desires a Long-Term Solution: Tempe dental implants are designed to be a permanent solution. Implants might be the right choice if you’re committed to maintaining good oral hygiene and are looking for a durable, long-lasting option.
  • Is Committed to Aftercare: Proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups are essential for the success of dental implants. Candidates should be willing to follow the aftercare instructions provided by trusted dentists in Tempe, AZ.
  • Doesn’t Smoke: Smoking can hinder healing and increase the risk of implant failure. While smokers can still get implants, they may need to quit smoking before the procedure.

What can you expect from your dental implant consultation in Tempe, AZ?

Surgery is necessary to prepare the area for an implant and place the implant in the mouth. Following the procedure, a period is required for the implant to take hold and for bone tissue to build up and anchor the device. In some cases, metal posts are inserted into the implant during a follow-up procedure to connect the tooth. Because implants require surgery, patients are administered anaesthesia and, if necessary, antibiotics to stave off infection following the procedure. Like any restoration, implants require diligent oral hygiene and proper care to ensure they last a long time. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Thorough Assessment: Our implant dentist in Tempe will thoroughly examine your oral health. This may include X-rays and scans to assess jawbone density and oral structures.
  • Personalized Treatment Plan: Our implant dentists will create a personalized treatment plan based on the assessment. This plan will outline the number of implants needed, the type of restoration (crown, bridge, or denture), and any additional procedures required.
  • Discussion of Options: Our dental care team will take the time to discuss all available treatment options, ensuring you’re well-informed about the process, timeline, and potential outcomes.
  • Addressing Concerns: If you have any questions or concerns, this consultation is the perfect opportunity to ask them. Our implant dentists will provide clear and detailed explanations, putting your mind at ease.
  • Preparation Instructions: If you decide to proceed with the procedure, you’ll receive instructions on preparing for the surgery, including any pre-operative care you need to follow.
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